Our Blog

Read about VANE in the news, events, and expand your agriculture knowledge


When it comes to producing crops, farmers can get competitive, always shooting for the next 10 bu. Have you ever considered you’re actually salvaging yield potential rather than maximizing it?

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US corn yields in 2023 generally seemed to exceed expectations, based on significant drought conditions across the corn-growing regions in late June, resulting in a record production level of 15.3…

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René and Darcie, at the U.S. Custom Harvesters Annual Convention 1/26-27. Hope you had a chance to visit us at Booth H8. What an AWESOME convention!

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Business owners are often asked the common question, “What keeps you up at night”? Depending on the business, their responses are numerous.

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VANE’s President Don Preusser recently spoke on a panel discussing farm policy, economics and risk management sponsored by Meristem.

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If the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Prospective Plantings report holds true, producers are on track to plant 92 million acres of corn

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