CFR Data Collection


When weather events impact planting or harvest of client’s crops, custom farming operators are at risk of loss of contracted revenue. VANE provides a tailor-made Custom Farming Revenue Insurance Policy protecting against revenue loss when caused by weather events for contracted planting, crop care and harvesting services. Financial security and peace of mind for Custom Farming Operators.

If you complete the form below, we’ll be happy to provide you with a premium estimate. Let us help to protect your business revenue today!

The VANE team brings decades of technology and insurance experience with specific focus on agriculture.  From product development to loss adjusting, our team has highly specialized skills, expertise, and experience with agricultural insurance solutions.  As executives in the insurance market, we also have strong relationships and a highly respected reputation across the insurance and agricultural market.

VANE Custom Farming Data Collection Form

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Step 1 of 2
In the past 3 years, have you lost business (contracted acres) due to weather events? If yes, please provide Year, States, Counties, Crops and Numbers of Acres lost.
Any known current losses or field/crop damage for your clients in the past 3 years? If yes, please provide Year, States, Counties, Crops and Numbers of Acres lost.
Any known losses or field/crop damage for your clients in the current year? If yes, please provide Year, States, Counties, Crops and Numbers of Acres lost.
Have all acres above been serviced by you for more than one year? YES or NO
Do you use harvesting, crop care or planting equipment with telematics or other data capturing ability? YES or NO
More fields? Click Here: Additional Fields
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
We're pleased to accept your field data in a variety of formats, if that's easier than completing the forms online.